Sunday, April 15, 2007

Life-time learning...

In pursue of integrity, life-time learning is a must.

Someday, I feel like I'm quite satisfied with what I'm doing that day. Seems like I'm doing the best I can do. And it sometimes makes me stop, to enjoy 'the view from the top' as I'm reaching the fake summit. In fact, the real summit is a mountain ahead...

Ideally, in seeking accomplishment, the real the best you can do, is to reach a point a little bit beyond your competency. It really makes you proud. The time when you literally able to push yourself beyond your limit.

Stretching zone. It's where the point is. As you able to stretch, you might have to keep on leaving your comfort.

And, the discomfort it cause is worth it. The state when you go out of your comfort zone in order to be able to learn more and later on yield a better result. As Dr. Deborah Serani wrote in her blog :"Instead of withdrawing to the safety of what is familiar when they don't get immediate results, they force themselves to move forward, through awkwardness, discomfort and anxiety until such feelings subside. And when that happens, a new experience is achieved."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do the best aja deh, toy....