Monday, June 04, 2007

Kabut Rimba (Forest's Haze)

Kabut Rimba, Bahasa phrase to say the Forest's haze. Why am I post on this Kabut Rimba stuff?. Because I'm really proud of it.

Last night, after an indoor 29th birthday ceremony in at Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, the members of Kompas Borneo Unlam held an outdoor party at Bendungan Karang Intan (Watergate Karang Intan of Riam Kanan dam), about 60 kilometers from Banjarmasin. One hour by motorbike from South Kalimantan's capital city, Banjarmasin.

On the out-door celebration, besides our annual agenda in which the senior are updated with the current work of the students member of Kompas Borneo Unlam, we also had an additional agenda. The inauguration of Kabut Rimba batch. The newest three member of Kompas Borneo Unlam are officially registered in the life-long connection among members and other elements of the big family of Kompas Borneo Unlam.

So... Gedong, Bertha, dan Ambo...Welcome in the real world! Kompas Borneo Unlam and all its dynamics. Ups, welcome aboard too for Bang Amak. A so very kind 'simpatisan' of Kompas Borneo Unlam who is finally admitted member of Kompas Borneo Unlam!

Luv u All...

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