Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Summer Rain...

This week past with rain that comes almost everyday. It's cold when it supposed to be hot. And, according to the weather forecast..my city, the island Borneo and other parts of Indonesia located in the upper part of the equator will still have more rain than usual. The condition predicted lasts for few more days.

Fyuuuuhh.. Hate to say it's due to climate change. But, somehow we have to admit that climate change is around. So close to us. The unseasonal rain. The shy sun. Very cold breeze in dry season. Extreme wind... I don't know what else shall come tomorrow.


itsmeela said...

It's rainy season already here in the Philippines..very conducive for sleeping but not when going out. hope it Indonesia won't get flooded again...and also my country.. :)

Unknown said...

Taibah, Blog lu keren juga ya...Isinya dalem.. Banget. Gua jadi ga confident (sesuatu hal yang jarang terjadi padaku :) ) kalo meng-compare ma blog-nya aku, secara aku hanyalah gadis bodoh yang narsis (Wakakak...)

Ithoy said...

2 Ela: Hope so too...flood sucks. But, some areas got light flood already.

2 Ami: Waaaa....finally you find me!!!